Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy


  • Rabbab Abbas Khan International Islamic University Islamabad


Pakistan, Foreign Policy, Geopolitical, Geostrategic, Challenges


Pakistan's foreign policy (FP) has gone through multiple eras, each impacted by its geopolitical relevance, regional dynamics, global power movements, and internal security issues. Pakistan's FP has consistently sought to balance competing interests while ensuring security and protecting national interests, from its founding principles of peaceful coexistence, non-aggression, and adherence to the United Nations Charter to its participation in Cold War alliances, non-alignment, and also the post-9/11 counter-terrorism era.

This paper gives a complete overview of these eras, examining how domestic stability, economic development, and the changing regional security scenario continue to impact Islamabad's FP. Pakistan has remained committed to security and strategic balance despite evolving global paradigms. By learning from its past, strengthening its economy, and enhancing its adaptability, Pakistan can navigate the complex international landscape and make optimal FP decisions to secure its future prosperity.




How to Cite

Rabbab Abbas Khan. (2024). Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. International Journal of Policy Studies, 4(1), 56–74. Retrieved from