The Development of Social Science Learning Media Based on the WorldWall Digital Game in Elementary Schools


  • Syarifah Aeni Rahman, Patta Bundu, Sulaiman Samad


This Research and Development (R&D) study addresses the need for establishing social science learning media based on the WordWall digital game in elementary schools. The objective of this study is to examine the design, validity, practicability, and effectiveness of learning media. This 4-D model defines, designs, develops, and disseminates.

The study involved grade IV students and teachers at SDN Minasa Upa. Data were collected through tests, observations, and questionnaires. Quantitative analysis was performed at each stage of research and development. According to the findings; The WordWall digital game is fundamentally needed to align with the digital age and provide enjoyable and challenging interactions for elementary school students. A variety of stages were involved in the creation of social science learning media, including the selection of game types, the compilation of quizzes, the choice of format, and the initial design. In all aspects of the social science learning media, adequate validity was demonstrated. The WordWall digital media display, stages, and tests received the highest validation scores. Students and teachers responded positively to social science learning media. Students actively engaged with the media during the learning process as it was aligned with the learning materials and stages. The social science learning media based on the WordWall digital game effectively improved learning outcomes. This was evidenced by increased quiz scores, as well as improved pretest and posttest results.

This study emphasizes the importance of developing based on the WordWall digital game in elementary schools. It fulfills the requirements of the digital era, enhances student engagement, and improves learning outcomes in social studies.




How to Cite

Syarifah Aeni Rahman, Patta Bundu, Sulaiman Samad. (2023). The Development of Social Science Learning Media Based on the WorldWall Digital Game in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Policy Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from